We all havebeen in a situation whereby a loved one who is bordering on the weighty sideasked you that multi- million dollar question: Do you think I look fat?Somehow, we are usually built to lie to them by replying the obligatory: Youlook fine, darling! We just lie through our teeth to give them that false senseof security. The question is why do we do it? Don’t we have enough faith thatour loved ones will take in their stride to improve themselves should there bea time when we tell them the truths? With that in mind, here are the 5 thingsyou should never say to your fat friends/ loved ones:
1. You’re not fat, you look fine/ Embrace your curves! When you tellthem these, you’re only giving them a false sense of security, thus encouragingthem into doing nothing about the situation. We all know that it is not healthyto be fat, so it’s not healthy to encourage your friend to stay fat too.
2. It’s just the dress, it makes you look fat.Again, don’t give them the false sense of security by blaming other thingsmaking him/ her look fat. Just like in point 1, it is not healthy to encourageyour friends or loved ones to stay fat!
3. We only live once, so might as well eat what youwant to eat. Yes. You only live once, so shouldn’t you be trying to prolong thelife, so that you can make full use of it. And the way to prolong life is notby eating whatever that you want to eat!
4. Life is too short for you to keep worrying aboutyour weight. It is true that one should not be overly concerned about weightissues, but still, it does help to once in a while do something about theproblem rather than just to ignore it. So don’t encourage them to ignore it.
5. Everyone dies. Doesn’t mean that you’re fatter,you’ll die faster. That is true, BUT working it out does help to regulate bloodand oxygen flow, which does help to promote a healthier living!
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