1. Don't worry about hogging the presents — they're probably all for you anyway!
2. It is your job to silently judge the Christmas decorations. Don't question it.
3. It's perfectly acceptable to express your displeasure over a gift. How else will they know what to get you next year?
4. That tree is always trying to steal the show, so go ahead and upstage it every now and then.
5. Feel free to make your toys appropriately festive.
6. A wrapping paper fort is the BEST kind of fort. No dogs allowed.
7. Stealing ornaments is absolutely within your rights as a Christmas Cat, so no need to feel guilty.
8. Don't feel pressured by all the holiday songs — snow isn't for everybody.
9. In the spirit of the season, let the dog join in on your holiday mischief.
10. Opening presents is a task that deserves your utmost enthusiasm.
11. At the end of it all, bust a chill in front of the fire and dream about next Christmas ...
Disclaimer: This article first appeared in the following site: https://www.thedodo.com/christmas-advice-cats-881279643.html on 16/12/2014.